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The American Idol


A businessman once commented to his friend, the educator: “How can you be so sure of your ideas when there is such a big world out there?”

Responded the educator: “You’re an experienced entrepreneur – tell me, when you have a high pressure meeting with seasoned negotiators, how do you protect your interests?”

“I never walk into a meeting without clearly defining my red line,” answered the businessman, “and when I see that red line approaching, I walk right out.”

“Life is the same,” said the educator, “there are no guarantees, but if we aren’t ready to walk out when life hits our red lines, we don’t stand a chance!”

The Talmud says, “Who is the strong? He who controls himself.” Indeed, the man who takes a stand in deciding how to run his life is celebrated as a man of true stature. For when we fail to define our values, morals, and ethics, by default, we allow others to decide for us.

The truth is, it doesn’t take much to question the big worlds’ ideas – here is how they evolve for the most part:

Individuals with talent in throwing a ball or talent in acting, gain a following of millions of people who view them as celebrity idols; people start voting for the agendas of these stars; and eventually their perception of life becomes the standard that society aspires to.

Honestly, does it make any sense at all that these individuals are molding the global perception of life?

Values of life are set by those who show that they can stick to principles no matter what.

As we swim through life, we need to keep our heads above the water. Define your world, and then, no matter how big the universe, you will always own it.

Live life through your lens!

Good Luck!

Rabbi Mendy