Caregiver Code of Conduct
To ensure the health, safety and well-being of our members and to maintain the behavioral standards of the Moise Safra Center (the “Center”), the following policies have been established.
All families with caregivers that accompany children to the Center understand and agree to abide by the following rules:
- All members, staff and partnering facilitators will be treated with respect.
- All class, course, event and program rules will be followed.
- All caregivers must carry their Center pass and scan upon entry to the Center.
- Classes should be registered for as required.
- The Center reserves the right to refuse entry to those who have not registered or who are being disruptive.
- Physical violence, bullying, fighting, verbal or physical threats, improper touching and disrespect will not be tolerated.
- Caregivers are responsible for the behavior of the children in their care.
- Strollers are not permitted in the elevators and beyond the lobby stroller park.
- Cell phones may not be used during classes or events.
- Theft or causing intentional damage to the Center’s, or another’s property, is prohibited.
- All damages caused by a minor will be billed to their parents or legal guardian.
- Garbage must be disposed of appropriately.
- Food may only be eaten in designated areas.
- All food must be cleaned up, high chairs wiped down and packages properly disposed of.
- Food brought into the Center must be certified Kosher.