As a member of the Moise Safra Center, you will have access to the following facilities: swimming pool, fitness center, basketball/gym court as well as, outdoor spaces, lounges, cafe, art studio, culinary, and dance/yoga studios. In addition, we offer activities, programs, events, courses, classes, etc. Members will receive a discount when renting any of our event spaces. Only members of the Center have full access to the building. We are open 7 days a week and conform to the laws of Shabbat on Friday nights and Saturdays. We are strictly Kosher.
(age 18+ unless Young Professional)
$150 Membership fee per month
$500 Security/Building fee per year
(includes children under 5yrs old)
$235 Membership fee per month
$1000 Security/Building fee per year
(up to 2 Adults and all dependents living in their household)
$350 Membership fee per month
$1000 Security/Building fee per year
Older Adult
$150 Membership fee per month
$250 Security/Building fee per year
*Please email membershipapplication@moisesafracenter.org to inquire about older adult couple rates
(excluding tri-state area)
$150 Membership fee per month
$250 Security/Building fee per year
Young Professional
(21-35, not living in parent's home)
$125 Membership fee per month
$250 Security/Building fee per year