Parashat Re’eh – Living Life in Moderation
The marshmallow test is one of the most famous pieces of social-science research: Put a marshmallow in front of a child, tell her that she can have a second one if she can go 15 minutes without eating the first one, and then leave the room. Whether she’s patient enough to double her payout is […]
Parashat Eikev – I own it
“Dad, why can’t you tell me the answer? I will score 100 and win the prize!” “Son, I’m gifting you the greatest price, ‘The feeling of owning something.’ When you are forced to think and come up with an answer it becomes your answer, you own it!” When we receive something, we lack ownership. We […]
Parashat Va’et’hanan – A Little Bit of Light Pushes Away a lot of Darkness.
We read this week about Moshe’s retelling of revelation, the receiving of the Torah on Mount Sinai, that occurred forty years prior. Over the last three millennia, the Ten Commandments have been embraced by civilized society as the bedrock of a just and functioning society. Although the entire Decalogue is clear and concise, our sages […]
Parashat Debarim – Jewish Survival
The celebrated Israeli military leader and politician, Moshe Dayan, was once stopped by a police officer for a speeding violation. “You – Dayan?” – asked the officer in surprise when he saw whom he had stopped – “come on, I expected more from you?” Responded Dayan, “Look, I have only one eye. Do you want […]