Parashat Vayigash: Politics is All About the Economy
Yosef became the most powerful economic leader of the land. He was an astute economics genius who sustained the population through a devastating famine and ensured the devotion of the entire Egyptian people to Pharoah and his regime. It is interesting that when the Torah describes Yosef’s relationship with the population it states, “He gave […]
Parashat Miketz – Secret for Success
A successful businessman was once invited to give a lecture to a group of students in business school. Towards the end of his lecture one student asked him, “Mr. Businessman, we’ve all heard of your success; can you please share with us your secret ingredient? What is it that has kept you above and beyond […]
Parashat Vayeshev – Instilling Character
Yosef, a young attractive man all alone in a foreign land, finds himself the focus of the wife of the household in her repeated attempts to seduce him. His first response is to adamantly refuse her advances. Then he goes on to explain the moral underpinnings of his refusal, “My master has put his faith […]
Parashat Vayishlach – We Need Your Flame
A student once approached his wise teacher and expressed disappointment over the many areas in his life that weren’t as he wanted or hoped them to be. Responded his teacher, “You speak at length about that which you need. What about that which you are needed for?” What a powerful message! True, we all have […]
Parashat Vayeseh – The Envy of the Righteous
When Leah conceived and gave birth to her forth child she declared, “This time I will be grateful to G-d.” Leah named her son Yehuda and as a result we are told that Rachel then envied her sister. We can ask an obvious question: why was Rachel only envious of Leah’s forth child, what about […]