Parashat Bo – The Gift of Light
In describing the ninth plague of darkness, the Torah contrasts the light that lit up the dwellings of the children of Israel and the darkness and gloom that enveloped the Egyptians. Light has a very special place in our tradition, as the genesis of creation. It is the means of fulfilling the Mitzvah of the […]
Parashat Bo – Aristotle The Human
“You, of all people! How can you do such a thing?!” Aristotle’s students exclaimed in surprise. They were appalled. Their beloved and knowledgeable teacher was caught in the act. “Dear students, you know me as Aristotle the Great. Now, I’m Aristotle the Human…” A rich man is not one who thought of a great idea, rather one […]
Parashat Shemot – Growth and Potential Make a Nation
Moshe, the great defender of the Jewish people, was initially skeptical about the worthiness of the people to be chosen to receive G-d’s Torah. Years before, he had fled for his life from Egypt and given up hope on their worthiness when Jewish collaborators reported him to the authorities for the murder of an Egyptian […]
Parashat Vayechi – I’m Not Alone
A young boy was playing on the beach when he was suddenly swept away in a violent tidal wave. “Dear G-d, please save my child!” cried his frightened mother. Lo and behold, another wave rolled in, bringing the young boy back to shore. “Oh! What a wonder!” exclaimed the mother in relief – and then, […]