Shabbat Shavuot – Appreciation
As dad opened his birthday gift, he was shocked to discover a parrot trained to sing him praises: “You’re the best!” “You’re awesome!” “We love you!” An accompanying note read: Dad, we’ve decided to gift you the best gift ever: “the gift of praises”. From now on you will have praises sung for you 24/7! […]
Parashat Bemidbar: Beyond the Subject Matter
As the genealogy of the Israelite tribes is recorded in the Parashah this week, it is puzzling that when the children of Moshe and Aharon, his brother, are listed, it lists only the children of Aharon. “These are the children of Aharon and Moshe…Nadab and Abihu, Elazar, and Itamar.” This seeming inconsistency leads to a […]
Parashat Behar-Bechukotai – The Power of Learning
What’s more powerful than a Nuclear bomb? “Cyber warfare” “Perhaps. But, students, what would be far more powerful than both cyber warfare and a nuclear bomb?” Planting a virus into an enemy’s brains. You can then tweak an enemy’s perspective. Tweak the way they think. It’s called planting a virus in their intelligence! That would […]
Parashat Emor – “Fortunate is the generation whose leader is willing to admit having erred.”-Talmud
Being a leader requires walking a fine line. On the one hand, the authority of the position must be maintained, and on the other, a leader must be great enough to admit when he makes an error. Truth is central to the Torah and is one of the foundations of the universe we live in. […]