Parashat Hukat-Balak – Leaders- Held To a Higher Standard
Our parashah this week begins a new era in the life of a new generation since nearly a thirty-eight-year gap had passed since the previous event. When the new generation reached the wilderness of Zin and vehemently complained to Moshe and Aharon about the lack of water for their families and animals, Moshe is commanded […]
Parashat Korah – Living in Paradise
A Jewish mentor once shared this anecdote: What is the difference between Gan Eden (Paradise) and Gehinnom (Hell)? In Hell, they sit at a table of food, but with forks that are abnormally large, it’s simply impossible to eat. In Paradise, it’s the same – but they use these forks to feed each other. Those […]
Parashat Shelah – Words of the Wise
In the Parasha this week, the greatest rebellion against Moshe’s leadership was gaining strength when Caleb abruptly quieted the people down and spoke his uplifting words of encouragement to enter the land of Israel. King Solomon, the wisest and most powerful man of his time, counseled, ”The words of the wise are heard with pleasantness.” […]
Parashat Beha’alotcha – I Had A Dream
A man passed away, leaving a will for his only son. But the executors of the will were left dumbfounded: the man had specified that his son was only to receive the money if he became crazy. Unsure of what to do, they decided to bring the matter to the local rabbi. Upon arriving at […]
Parashat Nasso – “Not everything that can be counted, counts”
“Not everything that can be counted counts”, Albert Einstein One of the most beautiful blessings ever given is the blessing given to us by G-d every day bestowed during Birkat Cohanim, “G-d shall bless you and protect you”. We understand this to mean, “He shall bless you with wealth, and shall protect you from harm”. […]