Shabbat Vaet’hanan – “Rabbi Elazar Ha-kappar said, ” Envy, lust, and the desire for honor drive a person out of the world.”
In describing the self-destruction forces of envy and jealousy, our sages in the midrash relate a long dialogue between Moshe, of whom G-d had said that he was exceedingly humble, more so than any person on the face of the earth, and G-d. Moshe invoked various arguments to revoke the divine decree that he may […]
Parashat Devarim – Does the Truth Hurt
At a conference of educators, a renowned teacher was singled out for advice: “Why do your students love hearing criticism from you?” attendees asked, “It’s our greatest challenge. What’s your secret?” The teacher responded with a question: “How do you feel when your student misbehaves?” The audience offered a variety of similar emotions: anger, annoyance, […]
Parashat Matot-Masei – “Through my own body I see the mind of G-d” (Iyon 19:26)
“You were designed for accomplishment, engineered for success, and endowed with the seeds of greatness.” A leading biologist who dedicated her entire life to studying the growth and development of the human embryo remarked, “As I stared through the microscope at the single-cell fertilized ovum, and I realized that this infinitesimally small bit of matter […]
Parashat Pinhas – My Neighbor
The owner of a modest grocery store foresees a serious blow to his business when two sizable supermarkets suddenly open shop next door to him. Determined to succeed, he quickly erects a large sign on his front door that reads “Main Entrance…” We are all surrounded by major supermarkets. Mega influencing factors surround us. And […]