Parashat Ki Tesseh – Tough Love and Parenting
The Torah describes in great detail the case of the rebellious son. A young teenager starting out in life indulges in defiant antisocial criminal behavior while exhibiting extreme vulgarity and reckless disregard for everyone, especially towards his parents. He must be brought by both parents to the authorities to stand trial for his outrageous behavior […]
Shabbat Shoftim – Children Ought to Know
A father and son were heading home one Friday afternoon after purchasing 3 loaves of challah for Shabbat. On their way, a poor man stops them asking for a challah, and the father happily hands him one. “How many challahs are left?” the father asks his son. “Why, 2 of course,” says the boy. “No, […]
Parashat Re’eh – “I”: A Blessing or a Stumbling block?
There is an important difference between self-esteem, which is a highly desirable trait, and vanity, which is considered a loathsome attribute. Moshe, in his final days, beseeches the nation, “See I set before you today a blessing and a reproof.” This opening sentence of our Parashah can also be read, ”See the ‘I’ or ego […]
Parshat Ekev – ONE word
Shock swept through the crowd as they read the huge dedication sign on top of the community center: “In honor of Sarah and Howard Goldberg who were killed during the holocaust by Rivkah and Jacob Goldberg”. It was missing one word: DEDICATED by Rivkah and Jacob Goldberg! It was missing one word: DEDICATED by Rivkah […]