Parashat Vayetze – A Genuine “I’m sorry”
“The ice looks thick from the outside, but beneath the surface, it’s already melting. Trust me, I’m a seasoned traveler, don’t try crossing those rivers now!” “Ah, you’re just an older, overly cautious merchant – my generation takes risks, I can do this!” “As the younger merchant feels the ice cracking beneath his carriage, his […]
Parashat Toledot – Living in Denial
When we read the story of the sale of Esav’s birthright we see a sequence of events that seem at first glance to be completely out of order. First, we see Esav selling his birthright to Jacob, then he eats and drinks, and finally, we are told that Esav disparaged his birthright. Now for him […]
Parashat Haye Sara – Those Critical Final 10 Seconds
Last week I was in the park with my children when I noticed a professional coach training a group of high school students. Interested, I asked the coach how long it took the average runner to cover one-quarter of a mile. “Oh, about 65 seconds for someone in good shape,” he told me – “go on, have […]
Parashat Va’yerah – Living WITH the past, not IN the past.
Very often, we find powerful gems of wisdom hidden in the seemingly mundane conversations in the Torah. When Lot is bidden to flee the city of Sodom, before the impending destruction, the angel instructs him, “Escape with your life, do not look behind you!” Lot, now fleeing for his life, is losing everything he has […]