Parashat Tetzaveh – When the month of Adar begins, we increase happiness
This description of Adar being the ‘happy’ month is referenced in Megillat Esther when we witnessed the obliteration of our sworn enemies and the Jewish nation experienced ‘light and happiness’ (Simha). The world is so complex and so full of apparent contradictions. Our world is filled with intricate order and awesome beauty, yet at the […]
Parashat Teruma-Zachor – Take Sam’s Call
Josh is looking to open a new law office. He calls Sam, the chairman of the biggest firm in town, and asks him for a tip. “To everyone who calls, tell them you aren’t available to see them in the next three months. Watch and see how your practice will grow.” Sure enough within a year, […]
Parashat Mishpatim – “No one has ever become poor by giving” Anne Frank
Immediately after the ecstatic, spiritual experience of last week’s Parasha, the Torah immediately brings us down to the ‘real world’ describing in minute detail the social laws that form the structure of a moral society. Chief amongst them is the merciful treatment of the widow and the orphan, the most vulnerable of society, which is […]
Parashat Yitro – Gratitude Essential Jewish Concept
A young boy was playing on the beach when he was suddenly swept away in a violent tidal wave. “Dear G-d, please save my child!” cried his frightened mother. Lo and behold, another wave rolled in, bringing the young boy back to shore. “Oh! What a wonder!” exclaimed the mother in relief – and then, […]