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Parashat Acharie Mot and Kedoshim – A College Drop Out


 “He doesn’t have a Ph.D.; he’s a college drop-out. Why would you pick him for the job?”

“Because he’s got a ton of experience! His name is Steve Jobs.”

Teaching information is not what it’s all about. Children (even as old as college students) don’t understand the value of money until they have to pay bills.

Medical students need to experience being in the field for a number of years before qualifying to become doctors. Teaching morals and values is no different. We need real-life training in order to internalize these values.

It’s about time we implement real-life exercises so students get a chance to practice, not just study.

Morals are a tough sell for children who live a self-centered life. How about giving children a taste of a selfless act; a taste of putting a smile on a stranger’s face.

Ask your children’s teacher to implement a bi-weekly visit to a local senior center and have the children sing a song, read a poem, or share a story. Encourage children to be creative and partake in different Hesed activities to gain some important life lessons.

The only selflessness will breed a life commitment to unshakable values!

Wishing you a Shabat Shalom,

Rabbi Mendy