Parashat Beha’alotecha – No Reasoning with the Unreasonable
“The rabble-rousers amongst the nation worked themselves into a frenzy and cried ‘who will give us meat to eat!’” One of the very few times Moshe totally lost it and beseeched G-d to end his life occurred when, in this week’s Parasha, the troublemakers amongst the people demanded meat to eat. Even though they didn’t […]
Parashat Nasso – Hatred is Real
“This example will help you in your addition quiz,” the math teacher tells his students: “one apple plus another apple, equals two apples.” The students nod in understanding. Satisfied, the teacher turns to the principal: “My class is ready for the quiz.” “If I have one orange on this table and another orange on another […]
Parashat Bamidbar – Shavuot Manual for Life
Every library catalogs its books according to the subject matter, history, philosophy, law, self-help, and so on. In which section would you think the Torah should be placed? That’s not an easy question since it contains a lot of various subjects. The surprising answer is that it should be found in the guidebook section, as […]
Parashat Behar & Bechukotai – How to Respond to a Tragedy?
We are all deeply shaken by the horrific tragedy in Meron. People everywhere are crying, beseeching G-d for some measure of comfort and consolation. But how do we respond to such a tragedy? The Parsha Shemini tells us about the devastating story of Aaron’s two sons dying in the Mishkan. What should have been […]