Parashat Pinhas – Seeing Through The Clutter
There’s a parable told of a donkey that tripped and fell into a deep pit. The villagers, assuming the donkey would die, threw dirt into the pit to bury the animal. The donkey saw the dirt piling around him and perceived the way to its freedom. The donkey used the dirt to create a mound […]
Parashat Balak – Prioritizing Your Investments
Bilaam is seen in our Parasha, in his interactions with the emissaries of King Balak, as an arrogant man with an insatiable need for honor and riches. Our sages convey in the Midrash that a person who owns $100 will naturally want $200 and if he has $200 he will desire $400 in an ever-expanding […]
Parashat Hukat – Shift Your Attention to Others
“I will adopt two orphans!” Rebi Eliezer announced. “How did you get the courage to take such a huge step?” “I looked at my two boys and realized how little influence I really have over their education. There are so many factors that are out of my control!” I turned to G-d and said I […]
Parashat Korach – Beware of Hidden Agendas
The rebellion that Korah staged, cobbling together a diverse group whose only common cause was to overthrow Moshe and Aharon, happened at the lowest point of the exodus. The nation, under the influence of the spies, had just rejected the gift of the land of Israel and are now destined to die in the desert, […]
Parashat Shelah – We Need a Fork
A man orders dinner in a restaurant, and soon after his food arrives, he calls the waiter over: “I’d like to speak with the chef,” he says. “May I ask what’s wrong?” asks the waiter. “Please call the chef immediately,” insists the man. Moments later, the chef arrives. “Chef, taste this food,” says the man. The chef reaches for […]