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Parashat Pinhas – Seeing Through The Clutter


There’s a parable told of a donkey that tripped and fell into a deep pit.  

The villagers, assuming the donkey would die, threw dirt into the pit to bury the animal.  

The donkey saw the dirt piling around him and perceived the way to its freedom. The donkey used the dirt to create a mound and climbed out to safety. 

 What a powerful story! Many times, the challenges we face seem to all but bury us, until we recognize the growth and opportunity at our feet.

The Talmud teaches that Hashem does not give an individual a challenge they cannot withstand and conquer. The nature of our challenges differs, setting us each on our precise journey – our souls’ destiny – armed and replete with the tools we need to rise above any hurdle along our way.

Kabbalah takes this concept a step further, characterizing a challenge as a boomerang, understanding every withdrawal as a trigger for an even greater ascent.

Life has its ups and downs. Let’s remember that the challenges we face are not there to bury us, but rather to uplift us!

Wishing you and your family a Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Mendy