Parashat Eikev – Are We Outdated?
The large clock was the talk of the town. Flawlessly accurate, it kept everyone on schedule. The townspeople had only one problem, the clock was simply too high up. Why crane their necks to have to see the time? And so, a town hall decision was made to lower the clock. Time passed and something […]
Parashat Va’et’hanan – Lessons Around Us
This week we will be reading about the giving of the 10 Commandments, the foundation for moral conduct. The Talmud states, however, that had the Torah not been given, we would have been able to learn proper behavior from the observation of animal life. As King Solomon said, “We could have learned diligence and hard […]
Parashat Debarim – But, I want
A man is drowning in the ocean and prays to God for help. Moments later, a boat comes by and offers to help him, however, the man refuses. “I’m waiting for G-d to save me!” Shortly after, a helicopter appears. Once again, the man refuses any help, maintaining that he’s waiting for God’s help. Finally, a […]
Parashat Matot-Masei
Our Parashah this week details the laws concerning unintentional manslaughter caused through negligence. “If a person accidentally kills another, he must be exiled and remain in the city of refuge until the death of the High Priest.“ How does the Cohen Gadol figure into this and what is the lesson being conveyed in this connection? […]