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Big Ideas go Bankrupt


“I don’t care if you’re a billion dollar company, in one moment you can go bankrupt,” declared the business tycoon.

“That’s ridiculous. A poor strategy can be adjusted. A poor team can be replaced. Capital can be raised. It takes time to bankrupt a conglomerate!” replied the associate.

“Think of Kodak. The minute digital pictures became available, that’s when Kodak went bankrupt. Indeed, it didn’t happen overnight. But, from that moment on, Kodak was a train going downhill. A doomed enterprise,” explained his boss.

“Ideas are the core of a company. When an idea becomes irrelevant, the company becomes irrelevant.

Ideas are the blueprint of the world: behavioral patterns, social trends, and even the definition of morality, all stem from people’s ideas.

The challenge is to differentiate the good ideas from the bad ones.

Life has its way of convincing us that “not so right” is normal, and “not so wrong” is ok. How is it possible to bankrupt a corrupt thinking pattern?

The answer is obvious: just as a revolutionary idea is able to sink an out of date conglomerate, similarly, the truth automatically bankrupts corruption.

The Talmud refers to the Torah as the blueprint of the world. Torah is a true and unbiased moral system, designed as an operating system for the world we live in.

If we seek the truth, if we seek unbiased and just morals, the blueprint of the world is the address to turn to. Learning Torah is the answer.

A moment of clarity will dispel years of confusion. A small flame will penetrate the thickest of darkness.

Don’t believe me? Try it out. Take any subject matter and find out what the Torah has to say. You will be shocked. I have seen this first hand with professors, educators, therapists, and politicians.


Challenge yourself, and you will enrich your life!

Shabbat Shalom,


Rabbi Mendy