Parashat Vayigash
The life of Yoseph is described by the verse, “For after I fell, I got up” The Midrash comments, ‘had I not fallen, I would not have arisen’. Some heights are not attainable without previously falling. Obviously, no one designs a fall in the hope that it may lead to a greater elevation. However, […]
Happy Hanukkah
A student once approached his wise teacher and expressed disappointment over the many areas in his life that weren’t as he wanted or hoped them to be. Responded his teacher, “You speak at length about that which you need. What about that which you are needed for?” What a powerful message! True, we all have […]
Parashat Vayeshev
Most often action is initiated by an emotion, which then stimulates the intellect to find ways to satisfy it. Given man’s cunning, the intellect can concoct various psychological schemes to deliver whatever it is that emotion desires. Rationalization is one of the most common drives utilized by the intellect to provide for the emotions. Since […]
You’re the author of your future
A child asked his mother, “How were humans created?” So his mother said, “G-d created Adam and Eve, and they started a family, leading all the way to you and me!” The child then went to his father, and asked him the same question. The dad responded, “We were monkeys, and we eventually evolved to […]