Do What She Wants
A professional drummer was considering the perfect 25th-anniversary gift for his wife. He finally settled on something really special, and as he presents the beautifully wrapped box, he says “my dear, just know that this is the best there is on the market – it’s truly exclusive!” Excitedly, she opens the box to reveal the […]
Parasha Bo
On Shabbat we include a special prayer that is recited in Birkat Hamazon recognizing the unique status of the day. We pray for rest, serenity ,and pleasure, and also that may we have no anguish, nor grief on the day of our rest. The Hebrew words, for these types of distresses are all in the […]
Why Yes, I am stiff necked
Victor Frankl was among the millions of Jews who suffered under the merciless hand of the Nazis in war-torn Europe. Relating his personal experience in the death camps, Frankl describes the horrific torture he was victim to, and how he eventually reached that critical moment where he felt his spirit was so crushed that he […]
Parashat Shemot
“Every person has three names, that given to him by his parents, that which others call him, and that which he calls himself.” Midrash This midrash is pointing out that people very often act differently in different situations. When they are at work, or with friends, parents, teachers or alone by themselves, they may conduct […]
Under Influence
The owner of a modest grocery store foresees a serious blow to his business when two sizable supermarkets suddenly open on either side of his shop. Determined to succeed, he quickly erects a large sign on his front door that reads “Main Entrance…” We are all surrounded by major supermarkets. Mega influencing factors surround us. […]