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Pure hatred


The Roman emperor Hadrian was a known anti-semite. Once, during a public appearance, a Jewish passerby respectfully greeted the emperor.

“How dare a Jew be so brazen as to greet me in public?” cried Hadrian. “Have him killed!”

At the emperor’s next appearance, a Jew who happened to be in the area was careful to make no sign of greeting.

“How dare a Jew be so brazen as to not greet me in public?” the emperor shouted. “Have him killed!”


Unfortunately, this is the nature of hate; it is wholly unfounded, with only excuses to answer for its destructive behavior.  Even when we think we’ve identified a reason, we quickly recognize its baselessness, with pure hate remaining as the sole impetus.

We live in a time that is not foreign to the intensity of hatred. People stop reasoning and they just hate. The energy and destructive power of hatred needs no explanation.

But what if we could apply this same attitude towards the power of goodness?

Often we give “because” of something. There is a reason why we give and why we do goodness. Imagine if we learn from hatred and give for no reason, without rationale or restriction. Imagine giving to a stranger who will never give back. Let the goodness be one hundred percent “other centric”, with no rhyme or reason holding it back.

That is pure goodness.

Intentional acts of pure and powerful goodness have the ability to create forces of change. We need to break down the manmade (and sometimes media made) walls that separate us from one another.

Everything starts at home: let’s resolve to find a cause in our local community to which we can give unconditionally; let’s endeavor to volunteer for those we know in need, in a spirit of pure goodness.

Our world has enough pure hate; it’s time for the pure good to take over!


Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Mendy