Healthy Boundaries
A Jewish immigrant from Poland arrives in the USA wearing a significantly oversized Kipa. “But why?” his family and friends ask. “I heard there’s a lot of peer pressure in the land of opportunity, and I’m sure I’ll eventually cave into it. With this Kipa, when I get to compromising, at least I’ll only downgrade […]
Parashat Beshalah
The very first experience that happened after the miraculous splitting of the sea was their encampment in a place called Marah, where they found the water bitter and undrinkable. There the Torah tells us, “They came to Marah, the place of encampment, and could not drink of the waters for they were bitter.” The great […]
Our entire existence simply doesn’t make any sense!
“What did you learn in Sunday school today?” Mrs. G asks her son. “We learned that when the Jews left Egypt and came to the Red Sea, Moses built a bridge for the Jews to cross, and then when the Egyptians got on the bridge, Moses blew it up…” “Is that really what happened?” asks […]
Parashat Va’erah
The Talmud instructs a person to accustom their tongue to say, “I do not know.” While no human being can know everything, even with a smart phone handy and access to AI, some people cannot admit any ignorance about anything. For them, any admission of lack of knowledge threatens their fragile egos. Although they try […]
Husband Falls Asleep
A house cleaner had the opportunity to observe a weekly Talmud study group which took place in the home that she worked in. One day, the family discovered that she had stolen a volume of the Talmud. “But why?” they asked her in wonderment. “You see, my husband has sleeping problems,” she began, “and I […]