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A show host is grilling his guest on various aspects of his life during a radio interview.

The guest answers question after question on the nitty-gritty of his relationships and life experiences: from the reason why he divorced his first wife, to the details of his current relationship, etc.  Finally, the host asks his guest:

“So tell me, sir, how much do you earn a year?”

Aghast, the guy suddenly clams up: “Excuse me! That’s confidential information…”
Indeed, the boundaries of privacy have truly become blurred.

In Brazil, it is casual to kiss in greeting; in France, to kiss both cheeks.

While one would think that the explosion of such emotion and closeness would elevate respect, the divorce rate is extremely high, and politicians we ought to hold in esteem are being sued. Perhaps the reason for this is a misunderstanding of the term respect.

Respect is born in the moment I allow for another person’s privacy. I don’t have to touch and feel. I need to value every individual and give them their space.

Interestingly enough, we don’t allow others to touch or know about the things we value. Because we expect them to respect our privacy. Well, what is the most valuable asset we have?

There is nothing more valuable than our “sense of self.” Not every encounter is a personal connection. Separating business from getting personal can get tricky.

That’s why the Talmud sets boundaries. It is not merely about observing a borderline or maintaining a level of confidentiality that we don’t cross; it is about building a society that is forced to respect each other.

Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom
Rabbi Mendy