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Parashat Bo

The ten plagues that were visited in the Egyptian people and their economy were open revealed miracles for all to see and could not be denied. However, there are many other more abundant hidden miracles, which require a keen eye to see, that are with us every day. It has been said that coincidences are […]

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We don’t have Rights

Education today focuses on rights. Everyone has a right. And we fight for our rights. But perhaps that is the problem. If we all have rights, what happens when I feel differently than you. Who’s right wins? Today’s society is not built on any solid definition of good vs evil. It’s built on subjective feelings […]

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Parashat Shemot

“Moses grew up and went out to his people and saw their suffering.”  With this brief description, the Torah introduces us to the greatest personality of our entire history, “Moses the Lawgiver.” Rabbi Elimelekh, the renowned sage from Lizhensk, finds in these few words the greatness of Moshe’s character as he interprets this verse to […]

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Lawmakers Vs. Lawbreakers

“Doctor, you’re a world-renowned expert in oncology; how is it that you are smoking?” “You’re right that smoking is unhealthy, but it’s all relative. Genetically, I have very strong and healthy lungs. Having a few cigarettes won’t do me any harm.”   We can be experts in our field, but possessing expert information doesn’t guarantee […]

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