Parashat Teruma
The laws and commandments of the Torah are commonly classified as those that are primarily between man and his fellow man and between man and G-d. However, our sages tell us that the two are inseparable. It is only after honesty in ones financial dealings and the just protection of the defenseless widow and orphans, […]
It’s all about connection
“We both clocked in on time every day; what makes Josh the winner of the employee of the month award”? “The award has nothing to do with clocking in on time; You see, Schlepping to work is one thing. Loving your work is worth an award.” It’s not only about getting it done. It’s about […]
Parashat Yitro
The giving of the Ten Commandments in this weeks Torah portion lays out the fundamental principles of our faith from which all morality flows, like streams that branch off from the river. Just as water flows downhill from a higher source, so too does true Torah knowledge only flow to one who first has humility. […]
Is Love a Smooth Ride?
“How do you keep your marriage intact?” a young man asked his happily-married friend. “It’s simple,” answered the friend, “I take care of all the big issues – the war on terror, global warming, government policies – and my wife takes care of all the little issues – what kind of house to buy, what […]