To ensure the health, safety, and well-being of our members and to maintain the behavioral standards of the Moise Safra Center (the “Center”), the following policies have been established.
All children between 13-18 years old understand and agree to abide by the following rules:
All members, staff and partnering facilitators will be treated with respect.
All class, course, event and program rules will be followed
Garbage must be disposed of appropriately.
Food may only be eaten in designated areas.
Food brought into the Center must be certified Kosher.
Physical violence, bullying, fighting, verbal or physical threats, improper touching and disrespect will not be tolerated.
Use of inappropriate, profane, loud, disruptive, obscene, hateful or abusive language is not tolerated.
All members must respect all property within the Center. Theft or causing intentional damage to the Center’s, or another’s property, is prohibited.
All damages caused by a minor will be billed to their parents or legal guardian.
It is illegal to possess, purchase or bring any drugs into the Center, other than those prescribed by a physician for personal use. Personal prescriptions may not be shared.
Alcohol consumption or possession (including beer and wine) is strictly forbidden.
Smoking is forbidden at the Center (including the Terrace Lounge and Rooftop Garden). This includes cigarettes, hookah, e-cigarrettes, vapes and other similar products.
Possessing a weapon of any kind is strictly forbidden.