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Napoleon Was Right!


Napoleon was shocked.

“Why are you refusing to eat today?” Napoleon asked his Jewish constituents.

“We are commemorating the destruction of our temple. We mark the day through fasting and prayer.”

“How long ago was your temple destroyed?” Napoleon asked incredulously.

Some 2000 years ago.

Napoleon’s eyes widened, and he exclaimed:

“A nation that can mourn its temple that was destroyed more than a thousand years ago is a nation that will eventually see that temple rebuilt.”

Napoleon was a successful warrior, a man who knew what brought success. He understood that success is not achieved merely by having good weapons, intelligent strategies, and brave soldiers.

He recognized that success lies in a nation’s spirit. A nation with a spirit will not only survive but thrive.

Napoleon was well aware of the persecution that we have suffered. He recognized that the Jews, despite all the cultural revolutions and changes, still cling to their tradition and identify as the nation that belongs in Jerusalem. Even when scattered in Paris, Spain, or Portugal, our hearts are always in Jerusalem.

That impressed him. That is a nation that will return to Jerusalem.

Indeed, we are a nation that remembers Jerusalem throughout the year.

Have you ever watched the groom break a glass at their wedding? Why break the glass? Because at our highest moments, we remember Jerusalem! We recall the destruction of Jerusalem.

At the end of the seder of Pesach, we all recite: Next year in Jerusalem!

And yes, on our calendars, we still have the fast that commemorates the destruction of our temple. This year it falls on August 13th.

We are a nation that has an unbreakable spirit.

We need to showcase our spirit. We aren’t occupiers. We were forced out of our land.

We need to teach this to our youth. We need to shout this from every rooftop. Any moral discussion should end with one decisive point: The geographic place where the Jews now live in the Middle East is the land of Jews.

That being said, let’s not be naive. We are not facing a moral question. We are facing today a reincarnation of the Nazi ideology. We are facing an enemy that wants us annihilated.

We need to teach our youth their roots.

Our teens need our spirit – our history and heritage! And they need to hear it with strength and conviction!

Our spirit unites us!

Our spirit gives us energy and strength and ultimately will lead us to success!

Shabbat Shalom

Rabbi Mendy