A few years ago, Israel faced a water crisis. On the verge of hitting the Kinneret’s red line – which would indicate an emergency situation – the Knesset convened for a quick solution to counteract the drought.
Their decision?
To simply lower the red line…
While it may have been a government decision, one can’t deny the irony here. What’s more, we often make similar moves in our own lives: how frequently do we create “red lines” for ourselves, and then – failing to meet up to the standards we’ve set – simply lower those lines? It’s not so bad – we tell ourselves – why, it could be worse.
As we stand on the threshold of Rosh Hashana, let’s create lines that mirror our expectations and make a firm decision not to lower them this year.
There is a poignant statement of Rabbi Zushe of Anipol which I think genuinely brings this concept home:
Said Reb Zushe: “When I come to stand before the heavenly court, I do not fear the question: ‘Why weren’t you Moses?’ I was not equipped to be Moses. But I tremble for the day that it will be demanded of me: ‘Why weren’t you Zushe?'”
Indeed, let’s recognize our strengths and set the bar accordingly this year; let’s remain staunch and live up to our true potential!
Shabbat Shalom and Shana Tova U’metuka
Rabbi Mendy