Synagogue Calendar
1st of Adar 5785
★Shabbat Shekalim
Rosh Chodesh Adar
Parashat Terumah
6:28 pm
2nd of Adar 5785
3rd of Adar 5785
4th of Adar 5785
5th of Adar 5785
6th of Adar 5785
7th of Adar 5785
5:36 pm
Candle lighting
8th of Adar 5785
★Shabbat Zachor
Parashat Tetzaveh
6:36 pm
9th of Adar 5785
10th of Adar 5785
11th of Adar 5785
12th of Adar 5785
13th of Adar 5785
★Ta'anit Esther
★Erev Purim
5:49 am
Fast begins
7:34 pm
Fast ends
14th of Adar 5785
6:43 pm
Candle lighting
15th of Adar 5785
★Shushan Purim
Parashat Ki Tisa
7:43 pm
16th of Adar 5785
★Purim Meshulash
17th of Adar 5785
18th of Adar 5785
19th of Adar 5785
20th of Adar 5785
21st of Adar 5785
6:51 pm
Candle lighting
22nd of Adar 5785
★Shabbat Parah
Parashat Vayakhel
7:51 pm
23rd of Adar 5785
24th of Adar 5785
25th of Adar 5785
26th of Adar 5785
27th of Adar 5785
28th of Adar 5785
6:58 pm
Candle lighting
29th of Adar 5785
★Shabbat HaChodesh
Parashat Pekudei
Shabbat Mevarchim Chodesh Nisan
7:59 pm
1st of Nisan 5785
Rosh Chodesh Nisan
2nd of Nisan 5785