Synagogue Calendar
1st of Elul 5779
★Rosh Hashana LaBehemot
Rosh Chodesh Elul
2nd of Elul 5779
3rd of Elul 5779
4th of Elul 5779
5th of Elul 5779
6th of Elul 5779
7:02 pm
Candle lighting
7th of Elul 5779
Parashat Shoftim
8:00 pm
8th of Elul 5779
9th of Elul 5779
10th of Elul 5779
11th of Elul 5779
12th of Elul 5779
13th of Elul 5779
6:50 pm
Candle lighting
14th of Elul 5779
Parashat Ki Teitzei
7:48 pm
15th of Elul 5779
16th of Elul 5779
17th of Elul 5779
18th of Elul 5779
19th of Elul 5779
20th of Elul 5779
6:38 pm
Candle lighting
21st of Elul 5779
★Leil Selichot
Parashat Ki Tavo
7:36 pm
22nd of Elul 5779
23rd of Elul 5779
24th of Elul 5779
25th of Elul 5779
26th of Elul 5779
27th of Elul 5779
6:26 pm
Candle lighting
28th of Elul 5779
Parashat Nitzavim
7:24 pm
29th of Elul 5779
★Erev Rosh Hashana
6:23 pm
Candle lighting
1st of Tishri 5780
★Rosh Hashana 5780
7:20 pm
Candle lighting