Madelyn Rodriguez

Madelyn Rodriguez has a Bachelor of Science in Public Accounting from Mercy College. She has business experience in multiple areas including the retail industry, corporate fitness sector and the non-for-profit religious world. She has worked as an assistant manager for 8 years at Payhalf where she oversaw employee schedules, Inventory management and expense control. Town Sports International (New York Sport Clubs) she led the Accounts receivable department and refund department for Corporate accounts for 2 years. And most recently served as the Controller for Congregation B’nai Jeshurun (BJ), where she was responsible for payroll processing, Accounts Payable and financial reporting as well as account balances and bank statements reconciliation, maintaining general ledger and cash management. Madelyn was born and raised in the Dominican Republic and moved to the United States in 2005, settling in the city of Sleepy Hollow where she still lives today.