Parashat Vayesheb – Self Confidence-Recipe for Success
In our Parasha this week the Torah relates that Joseph asked the servants of Pharaoh who were in the prison with him “Why do your faces appear so dejected today?” Rabbi Moshe Ben Nahman (1194-1270) states that the reason the Torah relates Joseph’s assertiveness, although he was just a lowly slave, is because he had […]
Jewish Continuity
A well-known Jewish professor, NY Times bestselling author, and communal activist on an international level was terribly broken when he realized that his son had no interest in any of his activities. He recounts in his book how he finally turned to his son and expressed his anguish, “Son, does my hard work leave no impression […]
Parashat Vayishlah – Life’s Challenges: A Call to Action Not Despair
When Yaakob heard that Esau was marching toward him with an army of 400 men, he was very afraid. Our Sages in the Midrash compare Yaakob’s fear of confrontation with Esau to that of the Jews’ fear of Haman many generations later. However, whereas they praise Yaakob and learn educational instruction from his conduct, the […]
Parashat Vayeseh – Living Free
Yaakob’s only material request is bread to eat and clothing to wear. The Talmud gives worldly advice in the statement, “one who eats fatty meat may need to hide in the attic, but one who eats vegetables may do so in an open field” (Pesahim 114A). Many people live beyond their means and sink into […]
I’m not in the mood
A police academy conference was called to discuss the long-term implications of police officers shooting criminals. During the conference, an anonymous police officer called in to share his personal experience, describing the deep trauma he was left with following an incident where he was forced to shoot someone. He could no longer sleep at night, […]
Parashat Toledot – Taking Good to Great
“When the boys grew up, Esau became a skillful hunter, a man of the outdoors, but Jacob was a mild man who stayed in camp”. We see that, from the very beginning of their youth, the twins, Jacob and Esau, had very different natural tendencies. King Solomon said: “Train a youth according to his talents, […]
Pittsburgh and #ShowUpForShabbat
It is unfortunate that we, as a people, have a long-standing know-how on dealing with tragedy and hatred. We do not succumb or hide. Instead, we rise even stronger. The millennial Jewish response is to fight darkness and evil with light and goodness. Our hearts are broken by the heinous attack on our brothers and […]