Parashat Vayak’hel – Finding Meaning in the Mundane
The copper washbasin that was placed at the entrance to the tent of meeting, from which the priests would wash, was fashioned from the mirrors of the women. Our sages comment that Moshe initially refused to accept the copper mirrors because he mistakenly felt that since they were used by the women to apply […]
Is she priceless?
At a conference of educators, a renowned teacher was singled out for advice: “Why do your students love hearing criticism from you?” attendees asked, “It’s our greatest challenge – what’s your secret?” The teacher responded with a question: “How do you feel when your student misbehaves?” The audience offered a variety of similar emotions: anger, […]
Parashat Ki Tissa – Crisis is a Call to Action
The greatest qualities of leadership are often revealed during severe crises, as Sir Winston Churchill famously said, “Character is manifested in the great moments.” During the episode of the golden calf, Moshe was told by G-d, “Go down from the mountain because your people have become corrupt.” G-d’s instructions to Moshe in response to this […]
A businessman is riding the train when an individual dressed in what seemed like traditional Chassidic garb sits down next to him. Observing his seatmate, the businessman blurts out: “Sir, honestly, we will in a modern world – why do you insist on dressing in such an old-fashioned way? Times are different… what’s the point?” […]
Parashat Tesaveh – The Spiritual Life
The Torah portions that we are presently reading describes in great detail the building of the sanctuary and the beautiful and ornate holy vessels that make up the Tabernacle. When we step back and take a broader look at the ultimate purpose of the sanctuary, we find that it was in order to bring about […]
Stop Learning
A learned individual was giving a sermon in the town synagogue. Throughout his talk, as he repeatedly quoted specific pages from the Talmud from where he had derived he content, a shrewd scholar in the audience continually corrected him, noting that the speaker was actually a page off, and the like. “Ok, one page up […]
Parashat Terumah – Nation Building
Parashat Terumah (gifts), which details the building of the sanctuary and the donations which were to be accepted from the nation, is placed immediately after the fiscal and social laws which govern a just society. This connection, as well as everything else in the Torah, is not by accident. The Torah means to teach a […]