Parashat Matot-Mas’ei – The Power of Speech
“A person shall not violate his word, but fulfill everything that emerges from his mouth.” Words matter! Our Torah puts great emphasis on words and how we express ourselves, as King Solomon wrote:”Life and death are in the power of the tongue.” Speech has a central part in our tradition, from the daily priestly blessings […]
Parashat Pinehas – Exclusiveness
I once visited a friend of mine who is a diamond dealer. As he guided me through his showcase, he pointed out one particular diamond: “That one is literally priceless,” he told me. I didn’t quite get the difference – “a diamond is a diamond, is it not?” I asked him. “Oh no,” he responded, […]
Parashat Balak – Privacy, Our Sacred Space
King Solomon wisely said, “Let others praise you and not your own mouth”. There is no more beautiful description of the Jewish nation than the statement of our sworn enemy Bilaam . When he lifted up his eyes and saw the Israelites camping according to their tribes and families, the Divine spirit rested upon him […]
Parashat Hukat – Jewish Nukes
They say that WWII fighter pilots, entrusted with the most destructive weaponry of all time, weren’t actually aware of the potential damage that would be caused by the bombs they were dropping. Can you imagine?! A group of young men assigned a task that would forever change history, handling nuclear arms representing one of the […]
Parashat Korah – An Opportunity for Divine Leniency
Korah, the first cousin of Moshe and Aharon, orchestrates a web of rebellion consisting of an amalgam of disparate groups with their own conflicting self interests battling to bring down Moshe from his position of leadership. Although Korah was motivated by personal gain, in order to attract followers, he had to claim he was only […]