Parashat Nitsavim – Rosh Hashanah 5780 – Be the Author in your Book of Life
Abraham Lincoln once said, “My great concern is not whether I have failed, but whether I am content with my failure.” Our celebration of the new year is not just to remember the creation of our world, but also to embrace the newness and opportunity for our own rebirth and renewal. In life, very often, […]
Parashat Ki Tavo – Commitment the Key to Relationship
My recommendation clearly spells it out, “I’m the best salesman in our company”. Why didn’t I get the job? Because you overlooked the end of the recommendation; “The best salesman, when in the mood”. Persistence. Sticking it out. Pushing through. These are the core qualities for success! Relationship are built on commitment. Realizing how even […]
Parashat Ki Teseh – Is It Love or Lust?
There are several pairings of emotional states that are often confused for one another and if misidentified can lead to conflicting emotions. For example, guilt, which reflects a sense of having done something wrong is often confused with shame, which is a negative feeling of diminished worth. When thinking about one’s future, a person could […]
Parashat Shoftim – Who Cares?
The dog came to the heavenly court with a complaint: “I am completely degraded down on earth!” he cried. “The lion, which tears other animals apart, is honored as king of the jungle, while my name is thrown around in a derogatory way! Who helps the blind people walk? Who is considered man’s best friend? […]