Parashat Toldot – We Need A Real Change
When I was young and free I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, and realized the world would not change, I shortened my sights somewhat and dreamed of bringing great change to my own country at least – but I soon realized that too seemed impossible. As I entered my […]
Parashat Haye Sara: The Small Act of Kindness that Changed History
“Rivka said, ’Drink sir’, and she quickly let down her pitcher from her hand and gave him to drink together with his camels.” Of all the stories the Torah tells, the one concerning a young girl giving a thirsty man and his caravan water hardly seems to be an earth shattering event, yet that small […]
Parashat Vayera – Excuse me! That’s confidential
A show host is grilling his guest on various aspects of his life during a radio interview. The guest answers question after question on the nitty-gritty of his relationships and life experiences: from the reason why he divorced his first wife, to the details of his current relationship, etc. Finally, the host asks his guest: […]
Parashat Lekh Lekha: A Solemn Oath
The Torah goes to great lengths to describe the details of the lives of our forefathers because of the moral lessons their actions convey. Abraham, a man of peace and compassion, did not hesitate to risk his life and go to war against four powerful kings in order to rescue his nephew, despite their falling […]