Parashat Termuah – Humanly Righteous
“They will make for Me a sanctuary and I will dwell in their midst.” Our tradition relates that when Moshe was given the commandment to build the sanctuary which would house the Divine Presence, he was bewildered. “The entire universe cannot contain the infinite, how can an enclosed structure house the Divine Presence?” To this, […]
Parashat Mishpatim – Develop a Taste For It
Standing on the Brooklyn bridge Josh calls out his last wishes and gets ready to make his final leap… Suddenly a good Samaritan forcefully holds back Josh and deposits him safely into the hands of law enforcement officials… “Let him go” shouts the human rights activist. “Josh is under the influence of… we will let […]
Parashat Yitro – The Growth of a Nation
The most significant event in human history, receiving of the Torah at Mount Sinai, forms the structure of the values of modern society. Perhaps the most noteworthy feature of the entire episode is often overlooked and that is the transformation the nation needed to undergo before this momentous event. There are two components that formed […]
Parashat Beshalah – Is Love a Smooth Ride?
“How do you keep your marriage intact?” a young man asked his happily-married friend. “It’s simple,” answered the friend, “I take care of all the big issues – the war on terror, global warming, government policies – and my wife takes care of all the little issues – what kind of house to buy, what […]