Parashat Achrei Mot-Kedoshim – Love & Happiness
It was 1944, and there was a terrible hunger in the city of Samarkand. Mordechai was starving when he approached a fellow Jew’s home late one evening. He was hoping someone would be kind enough to give him a piece of bread. After knocking a few times, he was about to give up and collapse. […]
Parashat Tazria – Tahorot – Preaching or Teaching?
The laws surrounding the purification process of the Metsorah (leper) include the use of the hyssop plant, which is a very low growing plant reaching only a few inches off the ground. It is used to sprinkle the afflicted person and return him from his imposed isolation back into the community. To better understand this […]
Parashat Shmini – Our Existence
“What did you learn in Sunday school today?” Mrs. G asks her son. “We learned that Jews left Egypt and came to the Red Sea, Moses built a bridge for the Jews to cross, and then when the Egyptians got on the bridge, Moses blew it up…” “Is that really what happened?” asks Mrs. G. […]
Shabbat Passover – Teaching What Counts
During the confinement and quarantine that we have all been subjected to, there has been one strong emphasis that families have been consumed with, educating our children. Mothers and fathers have joined the ranks of teachers and Rabbis investing most of their days into their child’s education. The very first all night educational seminar took […]
Parashat Tzva – Normalcy. What’s That?
We are living in historic times. Painful, but historic. Times where normalcy has disappeared. Anything we thought was normal or expected is now replaced with uncertainty and the unknown. A lot of needs we had a week ago, are gone. We have shattered every fiber of our normal self. The most common word we hear […]