Parashat Va’yehi: Humanity’s Oldest Blessing
The blessings bestowed by Yaakov on Joseph’s sons, Ephraim and Menashe, are the most enduring blessings within all humanity. 3,400 years after they were given, we still reference them in the blessings we give our children every Friday night. What makes them as relevant today as the day they were given? Envy, in the view […]
Parashat Vayigash – Show Me The Way
“Mom, what is the purpose of a driver instructor, I’m smart enough to read up the information and drive on my own!” “Sure. You have access to tons of information. But you have zero experience in driving. Besides your seven years old and reading the wrong information, we’re talking about driving a car, and you’re […]
Parashat Miketz – Being part of the solution, not part of the problem
One of the most common questions asked about Yosef’s interpretation of Paroah’s dreams is why Yosef inserted at the end of his explanation unsolicited advice to appoint a food czar to prepare for and blunt the impending world famine. Was it just naked self-promotion or perhaps did it serve a deeper purpose? Yosef felt that […]
Parashat Vayeshev – Refuse the Offer
“Sorry we refuse your offer,” the men replied. Surprised, the owner of the farm asked “here I am offering you double pay, plus I am relieving you of the toil and sweat that is associated with your work, you will simply take your tools into the office and pretend to be seeding the farm! Why are you […]
Parashat Vayishlah: Escaping the Prison of Materialism
A basic challenge that faces all humanity is how we relate as individuals to the material, physical world we live in. In a few simple words, the Torah lays out two diverse perspectives. Esav, commenting on his great wealth said, “I have much.” In contrast to his brother, Jacob said, “G-d was gracious to me […]