Parashat Beshalah – The Power of Experiential Learning
Joseph, before he died, made the family pledge to bring his body back to their ancestral home when they would eventually return to the land of Israel. In the beginning of this week’s Parasha, we find that it was none other than Moshe himself that fulfilled this oath, as the Torah states, “Moshe took the […]
Parashat Bo – Hypocrisy
“Josh, why don’t you give the gourmet sandwich you bought to that hungry man?” “Dad, you taught us to be genuine. I’ve been looking forward to this sandwich. It would be a hypocritical act for me to feign that I’m taking interest in the hungry fellow!” “Josh, it’s a genuine sandwich, and it will genuinely […]
Parashat Va’erah – “We act with kindness because we know what it feels like to be in need of kindness.” Rabbi Sacks
Being in servitude in Egypt is a very large part of continuing Jewish identity. We are told over and over again to remember that we were once slaves in Egypt and we’ve been redeemed. For over 3,000 years we have dedicated one night a year to relive our past bondage and redemption. In fact, the […]
Parashat Shemot – Family or Friend
“This student is taking away precious time; you’ve got an important person waiting in the lobby,” the secretary emailed the Rabbi. “When I’m speaking with someone, nothing else exists. Right now, this student is the most important person in the world. Period,” the Rabbi replied. Freeing ourselves from being judgmental. Stripping away the subjective layers […]