Parshat Tzav – Our Lives: Past and Future
Our celebration of Passover is not just how to remember the past monumental event of the birth of our nation, but also to embrace the newness and opportunity for our own rebirth and renewal. This duality, framing our past and looking forward to better days is the core of our Haggadah. Expressing Gratitude In the […]
Shabbat Va’yikrah – Impossible. It Happened!
“Have you heard about the train?!” was the question of the day. “They say it moves thousands of miles faster than any horse and buggy!” Eager to check it out for themselves, a group of villagers made their way to the new tracks on the outskirts of town to watch the train pass through. They […]
Parashat Vayak’hel-Pekudei – Living with Passion
“My only talent was being passionately curious.” -Albert Einstein At the end of the book of Shemot, the Torah describes the generosity of the entire nation in their donations towards the building of the Tabernacle. The gifts of gold, silver, copper, together with scarlet wool, linen, dyed ram skins, and acacia wood were diligently recorded. Finally, […]
Parashat Ki Tissa – Parah – Let’s Make This Journey Count!
“You came all the way from Brooklyn to Manhattan for a button?!” the businessman asked his former teacher and rabbi. “No, all the way from Poland to Manhattan for a button,” the elderly rabbi corrected him. The button company CEO, whose career had completely taken over his personal and spiritual life, looked at his teacher […]