Parashat Nitsavim
“You are standing today, all of you, before G-d” The opening verse of this week’s Parashah alludes to Rosh Hashanah when the entire world stands before G-d to be evaluated and judged for the coming year. But according to what yardstick is our evaluation measured? Our sages explain that on this day the book of […]
Parashat Ki Tavo – Deepest Gift
“Sorry, we refuse your offer”, the men replied. Surprised, the owner of the farm wondered: “Here I am, offering you double pay while relieving you of the toil and sweat that is associated with your work. You will simply take your tools into the office and pretend to be seeding the farm! Why are you rejecting […]
Parashat Ki Teseh
One of the most rewarding yet challenging areas of life is in the arena of human relationships. Relationships add meaning, texture, vitality, and spirituality to our lives and yet are a deep source of frustration when they go off the tracks. Rabbi Aharon Halevi, from Barcelona, Spain in the 13th century, teaches a Misvah in […]
Parashat Shoftim – Thank You
In times gone by, when men would hunt for bears in the wild, they would first send a dog out as “bait”. The dog’s presence would set off a chase with the bear, allowing the hunter to catch the bear off guard and take his shot. A thought to ponder: Who really caught the bear? […]
Parashat Re’eh – No Good Deed Goes Unrewarded
One of the pillars of our Torah and ingrained character of our nation is the giving of charity. As Maimonides observed in the 12th century, every Jewish community that he had seen throughout the world had an established fund for the indigent. In fact, it is the only Misvah which the Torah records as having […]