Parashat Aharei Mot
A student once saw the great sage Hillel leaving his academy. He approached the sage and asked him where he was going. “I am going to do a Mitzva for someone poor and forsaken,” Hillel answered. Noting his students bewilderment, he then explained, “I am going to feed my body, it is totally dependent upon […]
Passover marks the beginning formation of the Jewish nation and our relationship with the Creator. The Haggadah that we all will be reading on the night of Passover revolves around the ten plagues and the miracles that our forefathers witnessed. These were open revealed miracles for all to see and could not be denied. However, […]
Putting skin in the game
You were not the most fit. You were not so skilled. Classmates even viewed you as an under performer. How did you pass all those extreme physical tests in order to be accepted as a Navy Seal?” “It was determination, my friend. I never questioned whether or not I could do it. I wanted to […]