Parashat Behukotai
During the weeks leading up to the giving of the Torah, we study the ethics of our fathers. Hillel the elder said, “If I am not for myself, who is for me.” Every human being appreciates and yearns for approval. We naturally desire to hear good things about ourselves and to have our […]
Big Ideas go Bankrupt
“I don’t care if you’re a billion dollar company, in one moment you can go bankrupt,” declared the business tycoon. “That’s ridiculous. A poor strategy can be adjusted. A poor team can be replaced. Capital can be raised. It takes time to bankrupt a conglomerate!” replied the associate. “Think of Kodak. The minute digital pictures […]
One Step at a Time
In this weeks Torah portion we are given the Mitzva of counting the Omer for the 49 days leading up to Shavuot. When we think of the wondrous miracles of the Exodus, we may overlook the greatest achievement of all. The people that had been enslaved and brutally oppressed for so many decades, were, […]
Water the Seeds
“This tree is going to bear luscious and mouth-watering apples. The other is going to bear rotten and dried out apples”. “But, dad, they both look alike. I don’t even see any fruit! How are you so confident which one will give birth to the delicious fruit? “My dear son, my confidence is not based […]