Parashat Vayelech
The majority of the day of Yom Kippur is spent in prayer. Indeed it is the only day of the year that we pray five separate prayers. But what is the essence of prayer? The Hebrew word for prayer is Tefila, which according to our sages means to create a bond. When we […]
Stop Changing. Start a Virus
When I was young and free I dreamed of changing the world. As I grew older and wiser, I realized the world would not change, and lowered my sights to bringing change to my own country – but I soon realized that too seemed impossible. As I entered my 30’s, I decided that if […]
No Free Lunch
“It shall be when you come into the land of Israel, you shall take from your first fruits and bring them to the Temple” Our tradition explains that the Torah is making the connection that by performing this Misva of bringing the first fruits we will be deserving to dwell in the land. […]
Dad, It’s Not For Me
A well-known Jewish professor, New York Times bestselling author, and acclaimed communal activist was terribly broken when he realized that his son had no interest in any of his activities. He recounts in his book how he finally turned to his son and expressed his anguish, “Son, does my hard work leave no impression on […]
Parashat Shoftim
We all make judgments, large and small, constantly throughout our daily lives. Therefore, we have to ask ourselves whether we are being objective in our decision making or if immediate personal gratification or other considerations are clouding our rational judgment. The Torah guides us this week not to take a bribe because it will […]