Parashat Vayetseh
“And Yaakov left Beer-Sheva.” “When a righteous person leaves a place, he leaves behind a void. As long as he lives in the city he constitutes its glory, it’s splendor, and it’s beauty. When he departs,however, it’s glory, splendor, and beauty departs with him” (Rashi). The Talmud relates that Rabbi Yohanan Ben Zakai was always […]
Old cars & real estate
Three proprietors are discussing the scope of their real estate ownership: “Even if I stand at the top of the tallest building I own,” says the first, “I won’t see the end of my property.” “I own so much land, the government is offering me billions to purchase it for national purposes!” exclaims the second. […]
Parashat Hayei Sarah
One of the most fundamental concepts in Judaism is encapsulated by King David in his book of psalms. “You open up Your hand and satisfy all living things with will.” This verse that we say numerous times daily is usually understood to mean that G-d provides for all living things, satisfying their wills and desires. […]
Walk Out
An experienced businessman once commented to his friend, the educator: “How can you be so sure of your ideas when there is such a big world out there?” Responded the educator: “You’re an entrepreneur – tell me, when you have a high-pressure meeting with seasoned negotiators, how do you protect your interests? “I never walk into a […]