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Don’t Invite Strangers

A wise teacher was once discussing how to influence one’s behavior with his students. “The human being is capable of controlling their emotions and actions,” he explained, “it simply begins with what one allows into their head. What you think about, you will speak about, which will eventually lead to your actions.”  The students countered […]

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Parashat Vayikra – Growth is Change

We begin the book of Vayikra, literally ‘He called to Moshe (to come closer)’, at the culmination of the building of the Sanctity which was completed in the end of the last book of Sefer Shemot. It begins with G-d calling out to Moshe to come near, as a loving parent to a cherished child. […]

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Do Leaders Have A Job?

Leadership is a service, not a position. The mystical masters teach that it is in the absence of oneself – not the indulgence of oneself – where the greatest satisfaction is found. How does that make any sense, you ask? Consider the following thought experiment: When an “A+ student” comes home with another “100” on their test it’s beautiful […]

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Parashat Ki Tissa

This week we read one of the most tragic events in Jewish history, the making and worshiping of the golden calf. It is difficult to understand how such an incident could have occurred after all the marvelous experiences that the nation had seen.   Our sages explain that when Moshe did not return at the […]

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Wise people make mistakes

In the beginning, when the world was created, a court case raged in the cosmic judicial halls. The plaintiff, Mistake. The defendant, Wisdom. “I am purposeless in this universe,” claimed Mistake. “By giving the human being Wisdom, you’ve simply taken me out of business! Is this just? Is this fair?” “You are right,” answered God, […]

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