Education is About Cutting and Polishing Rough Diamonds
“Your father was killed in front of your eyes, your mother was sent to the death camps. You were a mere seven and a half years old when you were sent to Buchenwald…you survived alone. What motivated you to push forward and excel to the point that you are chief rabbi of Israel?” This was […]
Parashat Korah
Korah accused Moses of being haughty and arrogant by telling him, “Why do you elevate yourself above the congregation of G-d that you lord over us, and wish to increase your dominance!” However, the Torah has already described how Moses resisted accepting the position of leadership and testified that Moses was the humblest of all […]
We feel good when we do good things!
A police academy conference was called to discuss the long-term implications of police officers shooting criminals. During the conference, an anonymous police officer called in to share his personal experience. He described the deep trauma he was left with following an incident in which he was forced to shoot someone. He could no longer sleep […]
Parashat Beha’alote’cha
Complaining has, unfortunately, been a part of our national character since the inception of our national journey. We find in this weeks Torah portion that the people were discontented and unhappy, but the Torah does not attribute any specific reason or explanation to justify their unhappiness. What was the source of their unhappiness and why […]