Parashat Vayera
When Lot is bidden to flee the city of Sodom, before the impending destruction, the angel instructs him, “Escape with your life, do not look behind you!” Lot, now fleeing for his life, is losing everything he has worked his entire life to accomplish: family members, wealth, status, and much else. He must have felt […]
We are here to stay
“If Augustus were to rise from the grave today and call out in Old Latin, he would be met with silence, for there is no one around to understand him. But if Moses were to appear and exclaim “Shalom Aleichem!” a chorus of voices would respond with the traditional “Aleichem Shalom!” The Jewish people, in spite […]
Parashat Noah
“Noah sent forth a dove to see how far the waters had receded. The dove returned toward evening with a torn leaf of an olive tree in his mouth.” Our sages comment that the symbolism of the olive leaf was, “Let my food be bitter as the olive leaf, as long as it comes to […]
Celebrating Real Independence
“The jungle has become a terrible place, we need to bring peace!” announced the lion at the animal assembly. “I’ll be the first to confess that this past week I killed a cow – and not even for food but purely for fun…” “Look, you must have been in a bad mood,” replied one of […]