Parashat Vaye’hi
“And Yaakob blessed Joseph’s sons ‘on that day.” What significance is it that the blessings that Yaakov extended to his grandchildren occurred on that day, isn’t it obvious that they happened then? Yaakab’s intentions may also be understood a little bit differently to mean, he blessed them “with” that day. Yaakov gave them a blessing […]
What Do You Care About?
In an interesting discussion in the Talmud, the sages relate several potential arguments that a maidservant may raise with regards to her wages in a court of law. But in truth – challenges the Talmud – how would a simple servant possibly initiate such sophisticated lines of reasoning? In resolution, the sages conclude that notwithstanding […]
Parashat Mikets
“And Yaakov said to his sons, ‘may G-d give you mercy in front of the man (Yosef).’” Would it not have been more correct for Yaakov to pray, “May Almighty G-d be merciful to you?” Yaakov’s words were more than a prayer, they were a lesson as well. He told his children that if […]
How to be a Macabee
An older Polish Jew immigrates to the “Golden Land” – the United States of America. There, he experiences the culture shock of his life. Everything is big, industrialized, impersonal, cold, materialistic…he wonders: “where is the human passion of the old country?” “America!” he spouts the word in disgust as he walks down a busy street. […]